An elementary proof of the strong converse theorem for the multiple-access channel
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: J. Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences, Vol. 7 Issue 3, page 216-230An identity in combinatorial extremal theory
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Zhang, ZhenIn: Advances in Mathematics, Vol. 80 Issue 2, page 137-151An inequality for the weights of two families of sets, their unions and intersections
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Daykin, David E.In: Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol. 43 Issue 3, page 183-185Approximation o continuous functions in p-Adic Analysis
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Bojanic, R.In: Journal of Approximation Theory, Vol. 15 Issue 3, page 190-205Arbitrarily varying channels with states sequence known to the sender
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: IEEE transactions on information theory, Vol. 32 Issue 5, page 621-629The asymptotic behavior of diameters in the average
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Althöfer, IngoIn: Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Vol. 61 Issue 2, page 167-177Asymptotically dense nonbinary codes correcting a constant number of localized errors [Manuskript]
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Bassalygo, L. A. ; Pinsker, M. S.In: Comptes rendus de l' Académie bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 46 Issue 1, page 35-37Asymptotically optimal binary codes of polynomial complexity correcting localized errors
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Bassalygo, L. A. ; Pinsker, M. S.In: Probl. Peredachi Inf., Vol. 31 Issue 2, page 76-83Bad codes are good ciphers
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Dueck, GunterIn: Problems of Control and Information Theory, Vol. 11 Issue 5, page 337-351Beiträge zur Shannonschen Informationstheorie im Falle nichtstationärer Kanäle
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol. 10 Issue 1, page 1-42Binary constant-weight codes correcting localized errors and defects
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Bassalygo, L. A. ; Pinsker, M. S.In: Problems of information transmission, Vol. 30 Issue 2, page 102-104Bounds on algebraic code capacities for noisy channels. I
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Gemma, J.In: Information and Control, Vol. 18 Issue 2, page 124-145Bounds on algebraic code capacities for noisy channels. II
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Gemma, J.In: Information and Control, Vol. 19 Issue 2, page 146-158Bounds on conditional probabilities with applications in multi-user communication
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Gács, Peter ; Körner, JánosIn: Zeitschrift fr Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete, Vol. 34 Issue 2, page 157-177The capacity of a channel with arbitrarily varying additive Gaussian channel probability functions
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Kozesník, Jaroslav (Ed.)The capacity of a channel with arbitrarily varying channel probability functions and binary output
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Wolfowitz, J.In: Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol. 15 Issue 3, page 186-194The capacity region of a channel with two senders and two receivers
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: The annals of probability, Vol. 2 Issue 5, page 805-814Certain results in coding theory for compound channels
Ahlswede, Rudolf ; Rényi, Alfréd (Ed.)Channel capacities for list codes
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: Journal of applied probability, Vol. 10, page 824-836Channels with arbitrarily varying channel probability functions in the presence of noiseless feedback
Ahlswede, RudolfIn: Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol. 25 Issue 3, page 239-252