1 Hit for Place = "Bielefeld" and Collection = Sammlungen der UB Paderborn

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  • Title page

    Genomics and prevalence of bacterial and archaeal isolates from biogas-producing microbiomes

    Maus, Irena ; Bremges, Andreas ; Stolze, Yvonne ; Hahnke, Sarah ; Cibis, Katharina G. ; Koeck, Daniela E. ; Kim, Yong S. ; Kreubel, Jana ; Hassa, Julia ; Wibberg, Daniel ; Weimann, Aaron ; Off, Sandra ; Stantscheff, Robbin ; Zverlov, Vladimir V. ; Schwarz, Wolfgang H. ; König, Helmut ; Liebl, Wolfgang ; Scherer, Paul ; McHardy, Alice C. ; Sczyrba, Alexander [...]
    In: Biotechnology for Biofuels, Vol. 10 Issue 1