The rational invariants of the tame quivers
In: Inventiones mathematicae, Jg. 58 H. 3, S. 217-239Real subspaces of a quaternion vector space
In: Canadian journal of mathematics, Jg. 30 H. 6, S. 1228-1242Recent results on sufficiently large 3-manifolds
In: Algebraic and geometric topology: proceedings of the Symposium in Pure Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society, held at Stanford University, Stanford, California, August 2 - 21, 1976, Jg. vol. 2, S. 21-38Recognition of the individual nesting box in budgerigars
In: Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie, Jg. 42, S. 1-11Reflection functors for hereditary algebras
In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society : Ser. 2, Jg. 21 H. 3, S. 465-479Relations for hadron pairs at large pT in the elastic quark-quark scattering model
In: Physical review D: Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology, Jg. 17 H. 9, S. 2310-2313A remark on normal forms of matrices
In: Linear algebra and its applications, Jg. 30, S. 109-114A remark on simultaneous inclusions of the zeros of a polynomial by Gershgorin's theorem
In: Numerische Mathematik, Jg. 21 H. 5, S. 425-427Remarks on a paper by Skornjakov concerning rings for which every module is a direct sum of left ideals
In: Archiv der Mathematik, Jg. 31 H. 1, S. 329-331Report on the Brauer-Thrall conjectures: Rojter's theorem and the theorem of Nazarova and Rojter (on algorithms for solving vectorspace problems. I)
In: Representation Theory I. Proceedings of the Workshop on the Present Trends in Representation Theory, Ottawa, Carleton University, August 13-18, 1979: No. 1, Jg. 831, S. 104-136The representation type of local algebras
In: Representations of Algebras. Proceedings of the International Conference Ottawa 1974, Jg. 488, S. 282-305Representations of K-species and bimodules
In: Journal of algebra, Jg. 41 H. 2, S. 269-302The representations of tame hereditary algebras
In: Representation theory of algebras: proceedings of the Philadelphia Conference, Jg. 37, S. 329-353Resonance production and the approach to Feynman scaling
In: Physical Review, D, Jg. 17 H. 11, S. 3015-3021Rings with the double centralizer property
In: Journal of algebra, Jg. 22 H. 3, S. 480-501