Reproducing experiments on early verb understanding in infants
Ayer, Vidya ; Witte, Christian ; Cimiano, Philipp ; Rohlfing, Katharina ; Nomikou, Iris ; Cimiano, Philipp (Hrsg.) ; Pietsch, Christian (Hrsg.) ; Wiljes, Cord (Hrsg.)2021Welcome to the future – How naïve users intuitively address an intelligent robotics apartment.
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Holthaus, Patrick ; Leichsenring, Christian ; Bernotat, Jasmin ; Richter, Viktor ; Pohling, Marian ; Carlmeyer, Birte ; Köster, Norman ; Meyer zu Borgsen, Sebastian ; Zorn, René ; Schiffhauer, Birte ; Engelmann, Kai Frederic ; Lier, Florian ; Schulz, Simon ; Cimiano, Philipp ; Eyssel, Friederike Anne ; Hermann, Thomas ; Kummert, Franz ; Schlangen, David ; Wachsmuth, Sven ; Wagner, Petra [...]2016DOLCE ergo SUMO: On Foundational and Domain Models in SWIntO (SmartWeb Integrated Ontology)
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Pietsch, Christian ; Schirrwagen, Jochen ; Peil, Vitali ; Ayer, Vidya ; Cimiano, Philipp ; Herrmann, Fabian ; Rempel, Andreas ; Vompras, Johanna ; Wiljes, Cord2019Learning Similarity Functions for Event Identification using Support Vector Machines
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