3 Neuzugänge

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  • vom 17.11.2022
  • Titelblatt

    ByzRev 03.2021.009

    Jeff W. Childers, Divining Gospel. Oracles of Interpretation in a Syriac Manuscript of John: (Manuscripta biblica 4). Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter 2020.
    In: The Byzantine Review, Jg. 3, S. 99-105
  • Titelblatt

    ByzRev 02.2020.013

    Eva Elm – Nicole Hartmann (eds.), Demons in Antiquity. Their Perception and Transformation in Different Literary Genres: (Transformationen der Antike 54). Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter 2020.
    In: The Byzantine Review, Jg. 2, S. 66-72
  • Titelblatt

    ByzRev 01.2019.009

    Annemarie Luijendijk – William E. Klingshirn (eds.), My Lots are Thy Hands: Sortilege and its Practitioners in Late Antiquity
    In: The Byzantine Review, Jg. 1, S. 27-33