Medical research is changing into direction of precision therapy, thus, sophisticated preclinical models are urgently needed. In human pathogenic virus research, the major technical hurdle is not only to translate discoveries from animals to treatments of humans, but also to overcome the problem of interspecies differences with regard to productive infections and comparable disease development. Transgenic mice provide a basis for research of disease pathogenesis after infection with human-specific viruses. Today, humanized mice can be found at the very heart of this forefront of medical research allowing for recapitulation of disease pathogenesis and drug mechanisms in humans. This review discusses progress in the development and use of transgenic mice for the study of virus-induced human diseases towards identification of new drug innovations to treat and control human pathogenic infectious diseases.
Bibliographic Metadata
Bibliographic Metadata
- TitleAdvances in Transgenic Mouse Models to Study Infections by Human Pathogenic Viruses
- Author
- Published
- AnnotationFinanziert durch den Open-Access-Publikationsfonds der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU Münster).Förderer: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / Projektnummer: SFB1009B02 und CRU342 P6Funding organisation: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / Project number: SFB1009B02 und CRU342 P6
- LanguageEnglish
- Bibl. ReferenceInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (2020) 23, 9289, 1-20
- Document typeJournal Article
- Keywords (EN)
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