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Ho, Sin Yu Bonnie: The phonetics and phonology of Hong Kong English: a study of fricatives. 2021
List of tables
List of figures
1 Introduction
2 Hong Kong English phonology
2.1 Sociolinguistic background of Hong Kong
2.2 Conceptualisation of Hong Kong English
2.3 Towards variation and Hong Kong English phonology
2.4 Previous studies on Hong Kong English fricatives
3 Acoustics of English fricatives
3.1 The production of fricatives
3.2 The acoustic properties of fricatives
3.2.1 Spectral properties
3.2.2 Amplitudinal properties
3.2.3 Temporal properties
3.2.4 DCT coefficients
3.3 Classification of fricatives
4 Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and the Munich AUtomatic Segmentation (MAUS) system
4.1 General review of feature-based ASR systems
4.2 Forced alignment and MAUS
4.3 The MAUS pronunciation rule set
5 Research questions
6 Method
6.1 Participants
6.1.1 Subset of participants
6.2 Procedures and materials
6.2.1 Data collection procedures
6.2.2 Materials
6.3 Data processing pipeline for acoustic analysis
6.3.1 BPF file generation
6.3.2 Semi-automatic segmentation
6.3.3 Acoustic feature extraction
6.3.4 Phonetic transcription
6.3.5 Data annotation
6.4 Auditory analysis
6.5 Statistical analysis
6.5.1 Data description
6.5.2 Linear mixed effects model
6.5.3 Mixed binomial and multinomial logistic regression
6.6 Classification of fricatives
6.6.1 Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
6.7 Weighted MAUS rule set
6.8 Summary
7 Acoustic analysis of Hong Kong English fricatives and their variants
7.1 Results of the acoustic analysis of Hong Kong English fricatives
7.1.1 Visualisation of fricative spectra
7.1.2 Spectral characteristics of fricatives
7.1.3 Amplitudinal characteristics of fricatives
7.1.4 Temporal characteristics of fricatives
7.1.5 DCT coefficients
7.2 Comparison of Hong Kong English fricatives and their variants
7.3 Discussion on the acoustic characteristics of Hong Kong English fricatives
7.3.1 Place of articulation
7.3.2 Voicing
8 Classification of Hong Kong English fricatives and their variants
8.1 Results of classification of Hong Kong English fricatives and their variants
8.1.1 Classification of place of articulation
8.1.2 Classification of voicing
8.1.3 Classification of allophones
8.2 Discussion on the classification of Hong Kong English fricatives and their variants
9 Auditory analysis of Hong Kong English fricatives and their variants
9.1 Results of the auditory analysis
9.1.1 Overall distribution of fricatives and variants
9.1.2 Labiodental fricatives /f, v/
9.1.3 Dental fricatives /, ð/
9.1.4 Alveolar fricatives /s, z/
9.1.5 Postalveolar fricatives /ʃ, ʒ/
9.2 Discussion
9.2.1 Inventory of Hong Kong English fricatives
9.2.2 Prevalence of variation of Hong Kong English fricatives
9.2.3 Variation and linguistic factors
9.3 Phonological rules of Hong Kong English fricatives
10 Application in automated speech recognition (ASR) system
10.1 Results of MAUS adaptation
10.2 Discussion on the application in an existing ASR system
10.2.1 Pronunciation rules
10.2.2 Acoustic and phonological features
11 Conclusion
A Word List
B Story