Anticipatory eye movements in sensorimotor actions: On the role of guiding fixations during learning
Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Cognitive Processing, Vol. 16 Issue Suppl. 1, page 227-231Breaking object correspondence across saccades impairs object recognition: The role of color and luminance
Poth, Christian H. ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Journal of Vision, Vol. 16 Issue 11Breaking object correspondence across saccadic eye movements deteriorates object recognition
Poth, Christian H. ; Herwig, Arvid ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Vol. 9Differentiating Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Parkinson's Disease With Head-Mounted Displays
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Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Cognition, Vol. 172, page 37-45Long-term memory-based control of attention in multi-step tasks requires working memory: Evidence from domain-specific interference
Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Carbone, Elena ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 2014 Issue 5Neuropsychological assessment of visual selective attention and processing capacity with head-mounted displays.
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Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Cimiano, Philipp ; Schneider, Werner X. ; Cimiano, Philipp (Ed.) ; Pietsch, Christian (Ed.) ; Wiljes, Cord (Ed.)Saccadic eye movements in a high-speed bimanual stacking task: Changes of attentional control during learning and automatization
Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Carbone, Elena ; Koesling, Hendrik ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Journal of Vision, Vol. 11(7) Issue 9, page 1-16Saccadic eye movements in the dark while performing an automatized sequential high-speed sensorimotor task
Foerster, Rebecca M. ; Carbone, Elena ; Koesling, Hendrik ; Schneider, Werner X.In: Journal of Vision, Vol. 12(2) Issue 8, page 1-15