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Sauzet, Odile ; David, Matthias ; Naghavi, Baharan ; Borde, Theda ; Sehouli, Jalid ; Razum, OliverIn: Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 8Advanced cervical dilatation as a predictor for low emergency cesarean delivery: a comparison between migrant and non-migrant Primiparae – secondary analysis in Berlin, Germany
Breckenkamp, Jürgen ; Läcke, Eileen Marie ; Henrich, Wolfgang ; Borde, Theda ; Brenne, Silke ; David, Matthias ; Razum, OliverIn: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, Vol. 19 Issue 1All-cause and cardiovascular mortality among ethnic German immigrants from the Former Soviet Union: a cohort study
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Ludwig, Angelique ; Miani, Céline ; Breckenkamp, Jürgen ; Sauzet, Odile ; Borde, Theda ; Doyle, Ina-Merle ; Brenne, Silke ; Höller-Holtrichter, Chantal ; David, Matthias ; Spallek, Jacob ; Razum, OliverIn: Maternal and child health journal, Vol. 24, page 943–952 et seq.ASPHER statement on racism and health: racism and discrimination obstruct public health's pursuit of health equity
Akbulut, Nurcan ; Limaro, Naomi ; Wandschneider, Lisa ; Dhonkal, Rhanjeet ; Davidovitch, Nadav ; Middleton, John ; Razum, OliverIn: International Journal of Public Health, Vol. 65 Issue 6, page 727–729 et seq.Bias in cohort-based comparisons of immigrants’ health outcomes between countries. A simulation study
Sauzet, Odile ; Razum, OliverIn: BMC Public Health, Vol. 19 Issue 1Burden of Outdoor Air Pollution in Kerala, India—A First Health Risk Assessment at State Level
Tobollik, Myriam ; Razum, Oliver ; Wintermeyer, Dirk ; Plass, DietrichIn: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 12 Issue 9, page 10602-10619Cancer patterns among children of Turkish descent in Germany: a study at the German Childhood Cancer Registry
Spallek, Jacob ; Spix, Claudia ; Zeeb, Hajo ; Kaatsch, Peter ; Razum, OliverIn: BMC Public Health, Vol. 8 Issue 1Cancer survival among children of Turkish descent in Germany 1980–2005: a registry-based analysis
Spix, Claudia ; Spallek, Jacob ; Kaatsch, Peter ; Razum, Oliver ; Zeeb, HajoIn: BMC Cancer, Vol. 8 Issue 1Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 2
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Reeske, Anna ; Spallek, Jacob ; Razum, OliverIn: International Journal for Equity in Health, Vol. 8 Issue 1, page 26 et seq.Community effectiveness of chloroquine and traditional remedies in the treatment of young children with falciparum malaria in rural Burkina Faso
Mueller, Olaf ; Razum, Oliver ; Traore, Corneille ; Kouyate, BocarIn: Malaria Journal, Vol. 3 Issue 1Comparing provision and appropriateness of health care between immigrants and non-immigrants in Germany using the example of neuraxial anaesthesia during labour: cross-sectional study
Razum, Oliver ; Reiss, Katharina ; Breckenkamp, Jürgen ; Kaufner, Lutz ; Brenne, Silke ; Bozorgmehr, Kayvan ; Borde, Theda ; David, MatthiasIn: BMJ Open, Vol. 7 Issue 8Considerations on the relationship between Othering and Public Health
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Batram-Zantvoort, Stephanie ; Wandschneider, Lisa ; Razum, Oliver ; Miani, Céline2021