25 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Künste und Unterhaltung KlassifikationSchliessenFilter3
zu den Filteroptionen25 Titel in Klassifikation (DDC) → Künste und Unterhaltung
A computational model unifies apparently contradictory findings concerning phantom pain
Boström, Kim ; Boström, Kim Joris ; Boström, K. J. ; Lussanet, Marc H. E. de ; Weiß, Thomas ; Weiß, T. ; Puta, Christian ; Wagner, Heiko16.6.2014Як намалювати ворога?
‚Свої’ і ‚чужі’ в ранньомодерній українській іконографіїBerezhnaya, Liliya ; Bereshnaya, Liliya2012Immunizing Inefficient Field Frames for Mitigating Social Problems: The Institutional Work Behind the Technocratic Antidoping System
Meier, Henk Erik ; Reinold, Marcel1.4.2018The Implication of Wearables and the Factors Affecting Their Usage among Recreationally Active People
Hendker, Anna ; Weßelmann, Anna ; Jetzke, Malte Lennart ; Eils, Eric ; Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia17.11.2020Jewish Art and Cultural Exchange: Theoretical Perspectives
Kogman-Appel, Ḳaṭrin ; Qôǧman-Appel, Qaṭrîn ; Ḳog'man-Apel, Katrin ; Appel, Katrin Kogman- ; Appel, Qaṭrîn Qôǧman- ; Kog'man-Apel, Katrin ; Apel, Katrin Kog'man ; Apel, Ḳaṭrin Ḳog'man ; Qoǧman-Appel, Qaṭrin2011Neck muscle responses of driver and front seat passenger during frontal-oblique collisions
Mühlbeier, Andreas ; Boström, Kim ; Boström, Kim Joris ; Boström, K. J. ; Kalthoff, Wolfram ; Lussanet, Marc H. E. de ; Kraaijenbrink, Cassandra ; Hagenfeld, Lena ; Castro, William H. M. ; Castro, William ; Castro, W. H. M. ; Wagner, Heiko31.12.2018A New Dimension to Relative Age Effects: Constant Year Effects in German Youth Handball
Schorer, Jörg ; Wattie, Nick ; Baker, Joseph R.6.4.2013Observing a movement correction during walking affects evoked responses but not unperturbed walking
Behrendt, Frank ; Lussanet, Marc H. E. de ; Wagner, Heiko18.8.2014Perception of the Current Anti-doping Regime – A Quantitative Study Among German Top-Level Cyclists and Track and Field Athletes
Westmattelmann, Daniel ; Dreiskämper, Dennis ; Dreiskämper, Dennis Benjamin ; Strauß, Bernd ; Schewe, Gerhard ; Schewe, G. ; Plass, Jonas16.10.2018Recruiting Hard-to-Reach Subjects for Exercise Interventions: A Multi-Centre and Multi-Stage Approach Targeting General Practitioners and Their Community-Dwelling and Mobility-Limited Patients
Brach, Michael ; Moschny, Anna ; Bücker, Bettina ; Klaaßen-Mielke, Renate ; Mielke, Renate Klaaßen- ; Mielke, Renate K.- ; Mielke, Renate K. ; Klaassen-Mielke, Renate ; Mielke, Renate Klaassen- ; Trampisch, Matthias ; Wilm, Stefan ; Platen, Petra ; Platenová, Petra ; Hinrichs, Timo2.12.2013