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- Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften
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1,8-Cineol Reduces Mucus-Production in a Novel Human Ex Vivo Model of Late Rhinosinusitis
Sudhoff, Holger ; Klenke, Christin ; Greiner, Johannes ; Müller, Janine ; Brotzmann, Viktoria ; Ebmeyer, Jörg ; Kaltschmidt, Barbara ; Kaltschmidt, ChristianIn: PLoS ONE, Vol. 10 Issue 72015CAD-Methoden des Konstruktionsprozesses im Glasbau
Wissensakquisition, Forschung und EntwicklungHegedűs, KrisztiánWuppertal : Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet für Theoretische Methoden und Angewandte Informatik, Fachbereich D, Abt. Bauingenieurwesen, Bergische Univ. Wuppertal, 2004Calculation of health expectancies with administrative data for North Rhine-Westphalia, a Federal State of Germany, 1999-2005.
Pinheiro, Joao Paulo ; Krämer, AlexanderIn: Population Health Metrics, Vol. 7 Issue 1, page 4 et seq.2009Calculation of the Geometries and Infrared Spectra of the Stacked Cofactor Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD) as the Prerequisite for Studies of Light-Triggered Proton and Electron Transfer
Kieninger, Martina ; Ventura, Oscar N. ; Kottke, TilmanIn: Biomolecules, Vol. 10 Issue 42020Die "Canadian Head Rule" für Patienten mit leichtem Schädelhirntrauma
Ist die Anwendung in Münster sinnvoll?Walter, Martin Alexander2004Cancer incidence in type 2 diabetes patients - first results from a feasibility study of the D2C cohort
Hense, Hans-Werner ; Kajüter, Hiltraud ; Wellmann, Jürgen ; Batzler, Wolf Ulrich13/07/2011Cancer patterns among children of Turkish descent in Germany: a study at the German Childhood Cancer Registry
Spallek, Jacob ; Spix, Claudia ; Zeeb, Hajo ; Kaatsch, Peter ; Razum, OliverIn: BMC Public Health, Vol. 8 Issue 12008Cancer survival among children of Turkish descent in Germany 1980–2005: a registry-based analysis
Spix, Claudia ; Spallek, Jacob ; Kaatsch, Peter ; Razum, Oliver ; Zeeb, HajoIn: BMC Cancer, Vol. 8 Issue 12008Die Capuron-Henry-Dantzer-Depressionsskala
Interne Konsistenz, Faktorenstruktur und KonstruktvaliditätDollase, Oliver Martin ; Dollase, Oliver ; Dollase, Oliver2012Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 2
Schwaab, Bernhard ; Bjarnason-Wehrens, Birna ; Meng, Karin ; Albus, Christian ; Salzwedel, Annett ; Schmid, Jean-Paul ; Benzer, Werner ; Metz, Matthes ; Jensen, Katrin ; Rauch, Bernhard ; Bönner, Gerd ; Brzoska, Patrick ; Buhr-Schinner, Heike ; Charrier, Albrecht ; Cordes, Carsten ; Dörr, Gesine ; Eichler, Sarah ; Exner, Anne-Kathrin ; Fromm, Bernd ; Gielen, Stephan [...]In: Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 10 Issue 142021Cardiac Sympathetic Activity and Rhythm Control Following Pulmonary Vein Isolation in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation—A Prospective 123I-mIBG-SPECT/CT Imaging Study
Lange, Philipp Sebastian ; Wenning, Christian Ernst Johannes ; Avramovic, Nemanja ; Leitz, Patrick R. ; Larbig, Robert ; Frommeyer, Gerrit ; Schäfers, Michael ; Eckardt, Lars30/09/2021Cardiac-respiratory self-gated cine ultra-short echo time (UTE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance for assessment of functional cardiac parameters at high magnetic fields
Hörr, Verena ; Nagelmann, Nina ; Nauerth, Arno ; Kuhlmann, Michael Theodor ; Stypmann, Jörg ; Faber, Cornelius04/07/2013Cardiorespiratory Fitness Is Associated with a Reduced Cardiovascular Risk in Occupational Groups with Different Working Conditions: A Cross-Sectional Study among Police Officers and Office Workers
Strauß, Markus ; Foshag, Peter ; Brzęk, Anna ; Vollenberg, Richard ; Jehn, Ulrich ; Littwitz, Henning Klaus ; Leischik, Roman09/05/2021